


About Me

I am Iftakhar Kaunain Ashhar, an engineer from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. I work on robotics and software development.

I have worked professionally and personally on web development with HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React and Vue.

I work at my college's chapter of Marine Technology Society, the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle club, as a computer team member. I work with ROS, Gazebo, Python, socket, OpenCV, Embedded C, Arduino and RaspberryPi.

I have worked/work with : HTML CSS JavaScript React.js Vue.js Sass Bootstrap Python C Programming C++ ROS Gazebo OpenCV RaspberryPi Arduino Git

My Projects



A single page application (SPA) that lets users search stock photos from Pexels and Pixabay at one place made using React.js.

[GitHub Link] [Live Link]

2-Wheeled Robot

2-Wheeled Robot

A two wheeled robot made using URDF, RViz, Gazebo and ROS.

[GitHub Link]

Socket Cam

Socket Cam

A script to stream video over LAN made using Python, OpenCV, socket.

[GitHub Link]

Sample Website

Sample Website

A sample website made using vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

[GitHub Link] [Live Link]

Task Manager

Task Manager

A simple task manager made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js.

[GitHub Link] [Live Link]

Random User Generator

Random User Generator

A simple web application to generate random users made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js.

[GitHub Link] [Live Link]

My Articles

How to install ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04

Install the latest ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04 following these simple steps.

[Article Link]

Sample Club Website

A sample website for club made using vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

My Research

How to install ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04

Install the latest ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04 following these simple steps.

[Paper Link]

Sample Club Website

A sample website for club made using vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
